Self-test manual for vibrating screen


  The rotary vibrating screen is a high-precision screening equipment. It is highly praised by users, because of its low noise, high efficiency, fully enclosed structure and quick change of mesh. However, in the past few days, an old customer reacted to the problem of poor discharge of the sieve material when the material was sieved using a vibrating sieve.

  (a) First check the screen:

  1) The principle of screening of the vibrating screen is that the material is subjected to three-dimensional movement on the screen surface, so the screen may be loose, uneven, sinking, etc., which may cause poor discharge.

  2) Check if the screening network is tight? Is there a problem of bulging or discounting locally?

  3) Check if the screen surface of the sub-mesh is loose or sinking? Is the parent network damaged?

  (b) Check the T-type weight at both ends of the shock source:

  1) The vibrating screen is mechanically generated by the T-type weight at both ends of the shock source, thereby changing the direction of the force of the material by adjusting the angle of the T-weight.

  2) Check if the T-type weight at both ends of the motor is loose? Under normal circumstances, the T-type weight is stuck on the motor or the exciter shaft with a circlip. When it is loose, there is no problem that the discharge is not smooth when there is no force or the direction of the resultant force is unstable.

  (c) Precautions for the operation of the vibrating screen;

  1) Fasten the fasteners of the equipment regularly every working day, especially the bundle bolts.

  2) The assembly of the screen is very important, so every time you install the screen, pay attention to the instructions.