1.ultrasonic sieve deblinding system, eliminates the blinding and blocking of mesh
2.It has revolutionized the screening of difficult powders on sieve meshes, allowing accurate separation down to 25µm.
3.It also increases screening capacities and reduces mesh breakage.
4.This ultrasonic system has been designed so that it can be retrofitted onto any new or existing vibrating sieve/separator, which is called ZYC ultrasonic vibrating sieve
Ultrasonic sieve deblinding can bring you many benefits:
l Increase your sieving capacities up to 3-10 times by enabling powders to pass through screens faster
l Increase your mesh life by reducing screen overload and frequency of mesh cleaning
l Sieve on finer meshes (as low as 25μm) and obtain a better quality final product
l Eliminate mesh damage caused by mechanical deblinding systems